Conquering identity: I am!

Developing youthful potential and resources in adolescence

Adolescence is a stage of intense changes, both bodily and psychological. The speed of body transformations requires the adolescent to adapt to the new state often with great speed and he sometimes feels disoriented in the face of his own transformations. Precisely from the age of 14 to 21 we are acting the maturation of our nervous system towards a stabilization that leads us to adulthood.

The teenager begins to make contact with her deepest identity and feels insecure in the face of the environment to which she is venturing.

The world of teenagers tells us about a period of life characterized by the precarious sense of identity and the constant search for someone to resemble that gives stability to the new emerging sense of self.

The teenager finds himself living alternately in different social contexts, with ways of transition from one to the other: the adult community with which he is in contact in his educational path and of which one day the boy will become part; the family community on which he obviously continues to depend even if he spends less time there than when he was a child; the community of peers where he experiences the vicissitudes of socialization and where he finds solidarity and alliance, but also antagonisms and conflicts; and a fourth place, which is intrapsychic, in which the boy periodically decides to retire, in a solitude sometimes freely chosen, other times suffered.

The adolescent is the one who no longer recognizes himself in childhood needs, but begins to make new demands that put a strain on the balance reached so far. Through openness to the group of peers it captures behaviors and attitudes to be made its own, so that through identifications with peers can dissolve that difficulty that has been created with the loss of the childish role. It is only when one feels safe within a community that one tends to assert one's individuality, on the contrary, when you live in conflicts or feel that you are marginalized, you accentuate the need to look like others and merge with the group in which one disperses one's personality.

The group of peers therefore has a fundamental importance for the development of theadolescent's identity and must possess peculiar characteristics of positive integration and solidarity.

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Purpose and objectives

Developing youthful potential and resources in adolescence

Biodanza for adolescent boys aims to fortify a positive group experience by improving communication and relational relationships. A playful, musical, creative, vital and affective experience is offered through spontaneous and conducted movement exercises. Each participant develops respect for himself and for others with a focus on the balance of relations between males and females. Through the proposed exercises is given a space to express and propose itself in positive and creative ways drawing on its originality and potential for:

  • Developing creative potential
  • Increase listening capacity
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Balancing self-regulation between action and rest
  • Strengthening courage and self-confidence
  • Strengthen self-esteem and increase emotional expression
  • Restoring a sense of belonging and improving human relationships
  • Increase and strengthen its potential and creative expression
  • Rediscovering the relationship with oneself, with others and with the environment
  • Harmonize hormonal swings
  • Decrease depression and increase mood tone
  • Recognize one's emotional sphere.

Specific objectives

  • Contact with one's own identity: connection with one's own strength and sensitivity; exercises of personal challenge in the face of difficulties; exercises to gain courage and be themselves lead the teenager to feel himself and to distinguish what he really wants.
  • Development of expressiveness and communication: the liveness of one's own value and self-acceptance leads the adolescent to develop the ability to create himself existentially, to express emotions through dance and dialogue; exercises in artistic creativity, poetry, painting and singing
  • Developing the perception of one's body and motor integration: basic exercises: fluidity, coordination, synergism, eutonia, motor assertiveness and the pleasure of one's movement
  • Strengthen awareness of the importance of balancing activity and rest
  • Development of affectivity: basic exercises of individual and two-motor affective-integration; dances of solidarity, friendship, dances of encounter.

The experience of many years has highlighted the extraordinary preventive value of the Biodanza method for the healthy growth of adolescents.

A reflection on the current society requires us to address various phenomena, including, school dispersion, "bullying", the lack of attention to those values that form the foundations of a healthy society: respect, acceptance, education for Peace, joy of life.

Using a set of exercises and cheerful music alternated with other slower and more restful ones that progressively stimulate the self-regulation of the organism (increased vital energy and greater balance of the neuro-vegetative system) you get a reinforcement of the Identity.

Through this experience non-verbal communication is valued, the group is a generator of cheerfulness and good humor, strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem, and stimulates affective attitudes towards others and life.

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